Warren County Youth Basketball League has 3 Winter Leagues (Little Hoopsters, Junior Hoopsters, & Senior Hoopsters), with a total of 8 total divisions for ages ranging from 4 through 17. Seven division spans 2 years of age to help ensure a level field of play while the DIV is made up of all High School students. A Director is assigned to each winter league and a commissioner is assigned to each division. Directors should be considered the first point of contact with questions about each division within the league. Use the links to the below to visit the division home page for information about that division. Warren County Youth Basketball League has a Summer Hoops program which is made up of 3 divisions (3rd grade - 8th grade).
Executive Board
President: John McCammon
Vice-President: Jeff Richardson
Secretary: Matt Rogers
Treasurer: Rob Neyenhaus

Director of Little Hoopsters: Jeff Lobb
PK-K Division
1st Grade Division
2nd Grade Division

Director of Junior Hoopsters: Matt Rogers
Division I (3rd and 4th Grade)
Division II (5th and 6th Grade)

Premier League 5th & 6th grade Competitive League

Director of Senior Hoopsters: Jared Embry
Division III (7th and 8th Grade)
Division IV (9th, 10th, 11th & 12th Grade)

Director of Summer Hoops: Mike Perkins
Division I (3rd and 4th Grade)
Division II (5th and 6th Grade)
Division III (7th and 8th Grade)
Divisions I - IV each will host a Draft to complete rosters for each season. For more information regarding Draft Day guidelines click here.